

  • 录制iss文件
Setup.exe -r -f1"c:\setup.iss"
  • 静默安装
setup.exe /s /f1"C:\setup.iss" /f2"c:\setup.log"
  • 卸载
setup.exe -r -f1uninstall.iss
setup.exe -s -f1uninstall.iss

InstallShield with MSI

setup.exe /s /v "/qb" 


  • Install
  1. Create a configuration replay file (install.properties) by starting the setup in replay mode. <setup.exe> -r install.properties
  2. Complete the installation by selecting the desired options.
  3. Edit the newly install.properties file. Add this line before the install directory definition. Installer_UI=silent
  4. Save
  5. Run the following command: <setup.exe> -i silent -f"<pathto>\install.properties"

ATTENTION: Try to keep the path to the .properties file short (no spaces). Otherwise, the setup might fail (Problem opening install properties file). Try something like c:\tmp or c:\temp…

By default, log files (or something close) can be found in c:\tmp.

  • Uninstall

In order to uninstall the software silently, look for an Uninstall*.exe in the installation directory. Run it with the -i silent parameter.

Inno Setup

setup.exe /sp- /silent /norestart


setup.exe /VERYSILENT



setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-

NullSoft Installation System

Setup.exe /S  //S大小写敏感

Setup.exe /S /D=E:\Software\QQ2007

Wise Installation Professional

setup.exe /silent